The cutest kids in the world!! The son in laws aren't so shabby either. My hand is in a bowl because I burned my hand cooking Thanksgiving dinner.
The Sommers family finally has a blog. We are so cool!!! I love Bonny and Brittany's blog so I decided to get with it. Well, Bonny did all of the work!!
This was the greatest Thanksgiving. My whole family was together. Dallas came in from Idaho (BYUI) and Brittany, Cameron, and Cade came in from Utah. Bonny and Chad live just down the road! Well, 7 miles anyway. Just a bit of news. Bonny led me to believe she was pregnant (for about a month) . When Brittany arrived in town we wanted to surprise her with the news that Bonny was pregnant. So we decided to have Hallie and Owen wear t-shirts that said, "My Mommy is having a baby". The big day arrived and Hallie and Owen came over in their cute t-shirts. I kept looking at Brittany to see what her reaction would be and Chad kept telling the kids to show me their t-shirts. I finally got a closer look and the t-shirts read, "My mommy is not having a baby, but my Aunt Bit-Bit is". So guess who is having a baby? Brittany shocked me with her news. Bonny and Brittany had me fooled for a whole month. Bonny even got out of exercising with me a few times because she said she had morning sickness. She even claimed she threw up once. Nice one Bonny. We all had so much fun at Thanksgiving. My parents came from Clarkrange, Tn. DAvid's Mom, brother and his wife came from Chatt. Tn, and Shayna (my sister) , Anna and Carlos came. We ate a ton of food and laughed a lot. Did I mention the boys wrestled. Do we ever get together that they don't wrestle!!! Oh and if they weren't wrestling they were talking about wrestling.